Feature events
Feature events in Bucket are generated automatically in some cases, and are sent by the client in others. Bucket uses these events to track feature access and collects data usable to debug rule and context issues.
Access evaluated
This event is generated automatically on Bucket side when the client uses server-side feature evaluation (e.g. when using @bucketco/browser-sdk or @bucketco/react-sdk) or on client side when local evaluation is used (e.g. using local mode in @bucketco/node-sdk).
This events contains the following information:
The actual context that was used to evaluate the feature access,
Some details of the feature whose access rules were evaluated,
The result of the access evaluation, including missing fields that were expected in the targeting rules.
Access checked
This event is generated by all Bucket SDKs whenever the client code checks if a feature is enabled for a given context.
This events contains the following information:
The actual context that was used to evaluate the feature access,
Some details of the feature,
The result of the access check.
Bucket SDKs rate-limit generation of these events to avoid unnecessary traffic. Also, unknown features' evaluations and checks are also sent to Bucket facilitating debugging.
Next steps
Learn about targeting rules,
Learn how to setup feature access rules within Bucket UI.
Last updated
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