Feature views

Learn more about feature views in Bucket

What are feature views?

Feature views group features in a single view to let you organize features as well as enable and customize Slack reporting and column configurations.

Creating feature views

You can create and manage feature views in the App Settings. You can create new feature views, edit existing views, and enable weekly reporting to Slack.

Adding and removing features to feature views

To add a feature to a feature view, go to the feature you want to add to a feature view. In the right-hand sidebar, click on the + icon beside "Feature views" to add it to a feature view. You'll have the option to select an existing view or create a new one.

You can remove a feature from a view simply by clicking on the X icon.

Adding a feature to a feature view

Weekly reporting

Weekly reports contain a summary of the STARS funnel and a graph showing the progression of all the features in the feature view over the past weeks. The report is sent directly to a Slack channel of your choice.

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