
Bucket allows you to export company adoption data in a CSV file to use in other tools or databases. This can be done either manually or automatically, depending on your plan.

Data exports are only available on Pro and Enterprise plans. Automatic data exports are only available on the Enterprise plan.

Getting started

  • Navigate to Settings

  • Under Environment: [Environment Name], select Data export.

  • Under Manual export, select the historical data aggregation of your choice

  • Click the Download export button to get your CSV

  • If you have access to automatic exports, turn the Enable automatic export toggle to ON and follow the instructions below.

Historical data

There are 4 historical data aggregation options:

  • Just today's snapshot: Download a snapshot of the current state of the data. The Date column will contain the current date.

  • 30 days, daily granularity: The file will contain data rolled up in daily increments for the last 30 days. The Date column will be the end of each rolled-up day data

  • 3 months, weekly granularity: The file will contain data rolled up in weekly increments for the last 3 months. A weekly increment is a full calendar week (mon-sun). The Date column will be the data at the end of each rolled-up interval.

  • 6 months, weekly granularity: The file will contain data rolled up in weekly increments for the last 6 months. A weekly increment is a full calendar week (mon-sun). The Date column will be the data at the end of each rolled-up interval.

Automatic export

Read our AWS S3 data export guide.

You can also schedule data exports that run on a daily or weekly cadence. If enabled, Bucket automatically generates and exports a CSV file for each day or week and saves it to your S3-compatible file storage provider (such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Cloudflare R2, and others).

  • Daily export: Runs every day after 00:00 UTC and exports a snapshot of the data as it was at 00:00 UTC.

  • Weekly export: Runs every Monday after 00:00 UTC and exports a snapshot of the data as it was at 00:00 UTC on Monday.

After enabling automatic exports, fill in the required configuration details:

  • Periodic schedule: The cadence of data export (either daily or weekly)

  • S3 Provider: The S3-compatible cloud storage. Support is available for AWS, GCP and Custom which allows for the specification of a custom Endpoint value (useful for Cloudflare R2)

  • S3 bucket: The details of the S3 bucket that will be used to store the exported data files

    • For AWS: Enter the S3 bucket's public URL in the following format: https://<bucket>.s3.<region>.amazonaws.com[/key]. The key component of the URL is optional. It can be used to point to a specific directory within the bucket. For more details, see the AWS S3 setup guide.

    • For GCP and Custom: The Bucket, Region, and Key properties need to be inserted separately in each of the input boxes on the Settings page.

    • For Custom: The Endpoint option becomes available. It needs to be filled with the URL of the cloud storage provider API. For instance, Cloudflare R2 will provide an individual endpoint value for each of their customers in the following format: https://<ACCOUNT_ID>.eu.r2.cloudflarestorage.com.

  • Access key: The access key obtained from the cloud storage provider

  • Secret access key: The secret access key is obtained from the cloud storage provider

After clicking Save, Bucket will validate that the supplied details are correct by attempting to list the files in the S3 bucket.

If there is an error (such as misconfigured credentials, missing privileges, or misspelled names), an error message will appear.

Bucket will run the data export the following day or the next Monday depending on the selected cadence.

Bucket records the status of the operation and displays it below the toggle. The status will show:

  • When the last export ran

  • The status of the last export. One of:

    • never ran before

    • successful

    • failed

  • When the next export will run

  • In case of an error, an error message

Company data model

The company model contains information about company adoption of all your features.

Data type

Company ID


Company ID from your tracking calls

Company Name

string | null

The company's name, if sent through tracking

Feature Name


Bucket feature name

Feature ID


Bucket feature ID



UTC Date (ISO-8601)

The date of data point

First Seen


UTC Date (ISO-8601)

The company's first tracking date

Last Seen


UTC Date (ISO-8601)

The company's latest tracking date

First Used

string | null

UTC Date (ISO-8601)

Company first feature usage

Last Used

string | null

UTC Date (ISO-8601)

The company's latest feature usage

STARS State Label

string| null

One of the:"never" | "tried" | "retained" | "churned"

Human readable value for the STARS step



One of the: 1 | 2 | 3| 4

Frequency Label


Human readable label for the frequency value



One of: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3

Company feature usage frequency. Higher means more frequent

Satisfaction Label


Human readable label for the satisfaction score


number | null

One of: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Company feature satisfaction score. Higher is better

Feedback Count


Total number of feedbacks recorded

Segment Names


Comma separated list

List of segment names the company is a part of

Segment IDs


Comma separated list

List of segment id's the company is a part of

Articles of interest

Last updated

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