What is the HTTP API?

Our front-facing API is a simple JSON HTTP API that can be used from browsers and backend services.


Authentication happens by way of either a publishable key or a secret key. Publishable keys and secret keys are unique for each Bucket environment. You can find the keys in the Settings tab under Environments.

Publishable keys are meant to be used in clients where your code is public in some form, for example browser or mobile applications. The secret key should stay secret and only be used on your backend services.

Secret keys can be provided to the API in the Authorization header as:

Authorization: Bearer <key>

Publishable keys can be either provided in the Authorization header similar to secret keys or simply as a query parameter:

GET /features/enabled?publishableKey=<key>

Global infrastructure

The HTTP API resides at:

Request to the front-facing API are automatically routed to a datacenter near you and should thus have a relative low latency regardless of where your customers are. Get in touch if you have many customers who are experiencing >100ms latency and we'd be happy to look into setting up a point of presence closer to you.

Use if you want to avoid your requests being served by a non-EU server due to regulatory concerns.

API Endpoints

Note: For POST requests, the API only accepts JSON. The Content-Type header must be set to application/json.

GET /features

This endpoint lets you get the full list of features along with their targeting rules. The endpoint is useful for backend SDKs to pull the targeting rules and evaluate them locally to determine which features should be enabled for a giver user/company instead of using the features/enabled endpoint for each user/company.

GET /features
Authorization: Bearer <secretKey>

  "success": true,
  "features": [
      "key": "huddle",
      "targeting": {
        "version": 42,
        "rules": [
            "filter": {
              "type": "group",
              "operator": "and",
              "filters": [
                  "type": "context",
                  "field": "",
                  "operator": "IS",
                  "values": ["acme_inc"],
                  "type": "rolloutPercentage",
                  "partialRolloutAttribute": "",
                  "partialRolloutThreshold": 100000

GET /features/enabled

The features/enabled endpoint lets you get a list of features that are enabled for a specific user/company.


The feature/enabled HTTP endpoint is a GET request to ensure that the request can be completed without a CORS Preflight request to reduce latency.

The context must be flattened and provided as query parameters.



  "success": true,
  "features": {
    "huddles": {
      "isEnabled": true,
      "key": "huddles",
      "targetingVersion": 42

Second Example

This is a more realistic example of context that lets you write advanced feature targeting rules.

Note: The Bucket UI uses the attributes provided in the company endpoint to determine which companies have which features enabled. Ensure any company attributes used in the context are also provided through the company endpoint.

POST /features/events

The /features/events endpoint is used to send "evaluate" and "check" events. These events are used for various purposes in the Bucket UI. An evaluation event should be emitted when a targeting rule is evaluated. This happens automatically for the /features/enabled endpoint. A "check" event should be generated whenever code checks for whether a specific feature is enabled.

  "action": "evaluate",
  "key": "feature1",
  "targetingVersion": 42,
  "evalContext": {
    "user": { "id": "john_doe" }, "company": {"id": "acme_inc"} 
  "evalResult": false,
  "evalRuleResults": [false, false],
  "evalMissingFields": ["f1"],
  "success": true,

POST /user

The user endpoint is used to track individual users in your application. This method will create a user if it doesn't exist already. For existing users, it will update it.

userId should use a unique identifier that won't change, like a database ID.

You can pass along attributes that will be set for the given user. User attributes are not useful in Bucket at this time.


  "userId": 1234567890,
  "attributes": {
    "name": "Rasmus Makwarth",
    "custom_property": true,
    "some_number": 12,
    "role": "button-pusher"

POST /company

The Company method is used to track companies (organizations) in your B2B application.

companyId should use a unique identifier that won't change, like a database ID.

You can associate a user with a company by providing the userId. This is important as features in Bucket look at company-level data.

In other words, if a user isn't associated with a company, their events will not be included.

The Tracking tab will let you know if you have unassociated events.

You can send attributes to be associated with a company. In addition to traditional event-based user tracking, you can track feature usage based on attributes.


If you set hasSlackEnabled: true for specific companies, you can create an Attribute-based feature in Bucket to track which companies have Slack enabled.

You're also likely to call this method when a user signs in to ensure they are associated with a company.

  "companyId": 101112231415,
  "attributes": {
    "name": "Acme Corp",
    "domain": "",
    "plan": "enterprise",
    "monthly_spend": 99,
    "createdAt": "2024-01-01T10:00:00Z"
  "userId": 1234567890

POST /event

Events are used to track user interactions within your application. We recommend tracking a handful of key features and features being currently worked on.

To track an event, call this method when users interact with a feature.

  "event": "Sent message",
  "userId": 1234567890,
  "attributes": {
    "position": "popover",
    "version": 3



You can submit qualitative feedback related to a specific feature to pair your quantitative metrics with qualitative insights.

You can collect a 1-5 satisfaction score, qualitative feedback, or both.

At least one of the optional fields, score or comment, must be submitted.

  "featureId": "my_feature_id",
  "userId": 1234567890,
  "companyId": 101112231415,
  "score": 4,
  "comment": "It's pretty nice, but I expect slightly more to be fully satisfied"

Note: You can find the featureId in under "Settings" for a given feature.


The API will return a 200 status code when calls are successful and a 400 if there are errors, including an invalid request body.

The response body will contain detailed information on the invalid request which can be used to debug. If you receive a 400 response code, there's no point in retrying without first debugging.

You may receive a 500 status code. If so, you can retry the request. If you send events to Bucket, this can technically result in duplicate entries but this is increasingly rare.

Last updated