Feature usage configuration


Bucket tracks feature usage through events or company attributes.

Events track user interactions and are generated from your application whenever a user does something.


A user clicks a button or changes a value.

You can also track feature usage with company attributes.

When a user enables a feature in your application, you set a company attribute.


If a user in a company sets up a new integration, you can set has_some_integration: true.

Event-based usage

Features are event-based by default. Bucket uses events containing a feature key to track usage.

However, you can specify a different event or filter out select events. If you use Segment or similar, this is quite common.

You can find the Usage configuration section under the Settings tab in each feature.

You can choose from previously recorded events or specify another value that will be tracked in the future.

You can add attribute filters to restrict which events are taken into consideration. Only events that match the attribute filters will be tracked.

The OR operator lets you specify multiple events with the feature. If any specified events are triggered, they will be logged and aggregated under the feature.

Company attribute-based features

Company attributes let you track workspace features using user-defined company attributes.

Company attributes are permanent properties of a company. They only change when a different value is tracked.


This could include changes to a company's name, logo, plan, or number of seats.


  • Any

    • Is

    • Is not

    • Has any value

    • Has no value

  • Text

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

  • List

    • Is any of

    • Is not any of

  • Number

    • Less than

    • Greater than

  • Boolean

    • Is true

    • Is false

  • Date

    • Less than X days ago

    • More than X days ago

The AND operator lets you set more granular filters by requiring multiple conditions to be met. Companies need to meet all attribute conditions to trigger the feature.

Last updated