Creating segments

What is a segment?

Segments are reusable lists of companies created based on one or more shared attributes and/or feature metrics, such as First seen or STARS step.

In Bucket, segmentation is automatically conducted at the company level. Company segments can be used to create targeting rules.

Getting started

  • Go to the Companies page on the sidebar

  • Click on the Add filter + menu item to build your segment conditions

Set segment conditions

Each segment is created using a set of conditions. You can add as many segmentation conditions as you’d like.


There are 4 types of conditions:

  • Company attribute

    • Company ID

    • Company name

    • Any user-defined custom attributes

  • Feature metric

    • STARS

    • Frequency

    • Satisfaction

    • Event count

    • First used

    • Last used

  • Feature targeting

    • Re-use targeting rules from another feature. You can choose to include or exclude companies that are targeted by another feature.

  • Segment

    • Target existing segments that don’t use First seen, Last seen, or Feature metrics filters.

    • You can include or exclude companies that are part of a segment.


  • Any

    • Is

    • Is not

    • Has any value

    • Has no value

  • Text

    • Contains

    • Does not contain

  • List

    • Is any of

    • Is not any of

  • Number

    • Less than

    • Greater than

  • Boolean

    • Is true

    • Is false

  • Date

    • Less than X days ago

    • More than X days ago

  • Feature targeting

    • Is enabled

    • Is not enabled

  • Segment

    • In segment

    • Not in segment

Save the segment

After adding any applicable conditions, you can save the segment. You can create as many segments as you need.

Last updated