What are releases?

Releases in Bucket represent changes that are deployed to customers. These changes can be new features, iterations of existing features, or other modifications. Releases help your team to understand if those changes are having the desired impact by letting you set goals for each release.

As part of the planning to deploy changes to your customers, you should set up a release on Bucket. It will automatically begin to evaluate the goals once your release gets deployed.

Creating your first release

Creating a new release in Bucket involves the following steps:

  1. Hit the "+" next to "Releases" in the left-sidebar in Bucket
  2. Enter a title, planned release date, pick an evaluation timeframe and Slack channel to receive updates.
  3. Define the goals for the release. These goals should reflect the impact you expect the changes to have.

Once the release date arrives, your Release will automatically move into "evaluating" status and your goals will update automatically showing goal attainment continuously. You will receive Slack notification whenever something significant happens for your release.

Getting your team started with releases

We recommend adding a checklist item to issue templates or a "Bucket tracking" ticket to project templates in your issue tracking system to help teams start tracking their releases in Bucket. This way, when you start a new project, part of the initial work will be setting up a release with goals in Bucket. Here's an example for Linear.app:

A Linear.app project template with a Bucket tracking issue included by default

A Linear.app project template with a Bucket tracking issue included by default

You can link directly to the "New release" page by retrieving the link in the following manner:

Further information

Evaluation and progress reports

When a goal is met or when the evaluation period runs out, a Slack notification is sent. This provides an actionable way to track the progress of a release and facilitates customers to validate their ideas/hypotheses/objectives for a release. This enables them to work in a hypothesis-driven way and ensures they are spending their time correctly and being effective according to their goals.

You can also enable the Weekly Digest to receive a weekly report for all currently evaluating releases to ensure you're in the loop about their progress.