Bucket HTTP Tracking API

This is an API reference documentation for the Bucket Tracking HTTP API.


The Bucket Tracking API is a simple JSON HTTP API which can be used both from browsers and from backends.

The path is


The API has four methods: user, company , events and feedback.


The API only accepts JSON, so the Content-Type header must be set to application/json


The API will return 200 status code when calls are successful and 400 if there's any errors, including an invalid request body. The response body will contain detailed information on the invalid request sent which you can use to debug the request. In case of a 400 response code there's no point in retrying the request.

In rare cases, you may experience a `500 response code. In those cases you can retry the request to ensure that the tracking event was sent. This can technically result in duplicate entries, but is increasingly rare.

Tracking Key

The tracking key is unique per Bucket app. Look for the Tracking Key under "Settings" in Bucket. Include the Tracking Key in the URL, like so https://tracking.bucket.co/{tracking_key}/{method}



The User method is used to track individual users in your application. This method will create a user, if it doesn't exist already. For existing users, it will update it. Use a unique identifier that won't change for userId, e.g. the database ID.

You can pass along attributes which will be set for the given user. Attributes on users are not useful in Bucket.

You'll likely call this method when a user signs into your app.

Here's an example:

POST https://tracking.bucket.co/trCqx4DGo1lk3Lcct5NHLjWy/user
  "userId": 1234567890,
  "attributes": {
    "name": "Rasmus Makwarth",
    "custom_property": true,
    "some_number": 12
timestampOptionalISO 8601


The Company method is used to track companies (organizations) in your B2B application. Use a unique identifier that won't change for companyId, e.g. the database ID.

You can associate a user to a company by providing userId. This is important as most features in Bucket will look at company-level data. In other words, if a user isn't associated with a company, the users' events will not be included in most of the results. The "Tracking" tab in the Bucket UI will let you know if you have unassociated events.

Just as with the user call, you can send attributes to be associated with that company. In addition to traditional user tracking based on events sent, you can also track feature usage based on attributes with Bucket.

For example, if you set hasSlackEnabled: true on specific companies, you can create an "attribute based Feature" in the Bucket UI to track which companies have slack enabled.

You're also likely to call this method when a user signs in to ensure that the user is associated with a company.

POST https://tracking.bucket.co/trCqx4DGo1lk3Lcct5NHLjWy/company
  "companyId": 101112231415,
  "attributes": {
    "name": "Acme Corp",
    "monthly_spend": 99,
    "activated": true
  "userId": 1234567890
timestampOptionalISO 8601 String


Events are used to track user interactions within your application. We recommend tracking a handful of key features and features you're currently working on.

To track an event, call this method when users interact with a feature.

POST https://tracking.bucket.co/trCqx4DGo1lk3Lcct5NHLjWy/event
  "event": "Sent message",
  "userId": 1234567890,
  "attributes": {
    "position": "popover",
    "version": 3
  "companyId": "my_company_id"
timestampOptionalISO 8601


You can submit qualitative feedback related to a specific feature in order to pair your quantitative metrics with qualitative insights. You can collect either a 1-5 satisfaction score or a comment or both.

At least one of the optional fields score or comment must be submitted

POST https://tracking.bucket.co/trCqx4DGo1lk3Lcct5NHLjWy/feedback

  "featureId": "my_feature_id",
  "userId": 1234567890,
  "companyId": 101112231415,
  "score": 4,
  "comment": "It's pretty nice, but I expect slightly more to be fully satisfied"
scoreOptionalNumber (1-5)

Common fields (context)

Event, company and user endpoints support the context key. Only the active property is supported for now.



Bucket supports the context.active boolean. By default, Bucket updates the last seen property on companies and users whenever an event, company or user call is made. Setting context.active=false disables this behaviour and leaves last seen unchanged.

Bulk endpoint

If you're submitting many events at the same time, you can use the bulk endpoint. It takes a JSON payload with a list of items. Each item is an object of the same type as for the individual user, company, event and feedback endpoints, with the addition of a type property.



There's a 2mb payload size limit

Here's an example with every type of event:

POST https://tracking.bucket.co/trCqx4DGo1lk3Lcct5NHLjWy/bulk  
    "type": "user",
    "userId": 1234567890,
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Rasmus Makwarth",
      "custom_property": true,
      "some_number": 12
    "type": "company",
    "companyId": 101112231415,
    "attributes": {
      "name": "Acme Corp",
      "monthly_spend": 99,
      "activated": true
    "userId": 1234567890
    "type": "event",
    "event": "Sent message",
    "userId": 1234567890,
    "attributes": {
      "position": "popover",
      "version": 3
    "companyId": "my_company_id"
    "type": "feedback",
    "featureId": "my_feature_id",
    "userId": 1234567890,
    "companyId": 101112231415,
    "score": 4,
    "comment": "It's pretty nice, but I expect slightly more to be fully satisfied"