
Measures how often companies use a feature, broken into four groups: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Never.

To calculate the frequency score, we go through the following checks per company. The first check to match is the company's feature frequency score.


  • Time period: Past 2 weeks

  • If the company has interacted with the feature more than 60% of the days in the time period, the company is marked as Daily. This means >= 8 days out of 14.


  • Time period: Past 4 weeks

  • If the company has interacted with the feature more than 60% of the weeks in the time period, the company is marked as Weekly. This means >= 17 days out of 28.


  • Time period: Past 12 weeks

  • If the company has interacted with the feature more than 60% of the weeks in the time period, the company is marked as Monthly. This means >= 7 weeks out of 12.


  • Time period: Past 12 weeks

  • If the company doesn't match any of the above, the company is marked as Quarterly. This means the company uses the feature <= 5 weeks out of 12.

Last updated